53:00duration 53 minutes 0 seconds
Module 14
36:16duration 36 minutes 16 seconds
Module 03
51:43duration 51 minutes 43 seconds
Fake News in the Digital Age
01:32:02duration 1 hour 32 minutes
2017-12-05 - Marketing Presentation - Humane…
2017-12-05 - Marketing Presentation - Humane Society of NE Georgia
55:32duration 55 minutes 32 seconds
Jenny Brown - "More Than Meats The Eye"
Jenny Brown is a longtime animal rights activist and Founder of Woodstock Farm Sanctuary in New York--one the country’s most recognized and respected sanctuaries for farmed animals. She…
01:48:28duration 1 hour 48 minutes
GGC Fall Commencement - 12-17-2015
Georgia Gwinnett College's Fall 215 Commencment Ceremony