18:02duration 18 minutes 2 seconds
07 - American Railroads Politics and Legislation
11:09duration 11 minutes 9 seconds
06 - Who’ll Build the (Rail)roads Rail…
06 - Who’ll Build the (Rail)roads Rail Service as a Collective Action Problem
20:37duration 20 minutes 37 seconds
17 - Pullmans, Streamliners, and Vista-Domes A…
17 - Pullmans, Streamliners, and Vista-Domes A Pictorial History of the American Passenger Train
20:26duration 20 minutes 26 seconds
16 - Dinner in the Diner American Railroads and…
16 - Dinner in the Diner American Railroads and Food
11:35duration 11 minutes 35 seconds
15 - American Railroads and the African-American…
15 - American Railroads and the African-American Experience