Search for tag: "syllabus"

A-01 Introduction

This video provides an overview of the whole series and its main sections, along info about its importance. It's not enough to use GGC's accessible syllabus template; you have to know how…

+7 More
From  Chris Robinson

A-12 Acronyms, abbreviations, and symbols

Don't assume "everybody knows" what your acronym means; always spell it out the first time you use it. Also, for the sake of screen reader users, get yourself knowledgeable about…

From  Chris Robinson

A-02 Accessibility features

What is it that makes the syllabus template "accessible"? Take a look through the accessibility features used in the template - in order to understand them, and in order to avoid messing…

+7 More
From  Chris Robinson

B-07 Text boxes

+12 More
From  Chris Robinson

A-01 Introduction

Note, 1/5/21: This video series is in the process of being updated. This intro video (A-01) won't be updated until the rest of Part A has been completed. Still a decent intro IMHO. ;) REALLY…

+10 More
From  Chris Robinson

C03 Saving as a Read-Only Word doc

+11 More
From  Chris Robinson

C-01 Intelligent Accessibility Check

From  Chris Robinson

C-02 Automated accessibility check

From  Chris Robinson

B-06 Changing a style's appearance

From  Chris Robinson

B-01 Adding a new section

+9 More
From  Chris Robinson

Top Claw - Lorraine Jonassen

+31 More
From  Gregory Starks

Course Exempt/Expedited Form

From  Gregory Starks